Wow. It’s been an amazing year. We at Keaton’s Kids are wonderstruck that in less than one short year we were able to:
Become a fully accredited 501c3.
Roll out, help fund, and support a bike program in the Bronx with CatRock Ventures
Raise our fundraising goal because we achieved the first one we set.
Connect with several partners to set even bigger adventure goals for next year.
It’s true! And it’s all thanks to our generous donors. We are so excited by the year coming up as well. In 2022 we will:
Continue to help fund and support our biking initiative with CatRock. Provide more bikes and get even more kids out. We can’t stop now!
Take a Girl’s Empowerment group out to an adventure ropes course through NECS in Peekskill.
Fund a scholarship program through Shred Foundation in Newburgh to support some of their advanced students to go to a Mount Hood internship camp to learn the ins and outs of the snowboarding industry.
We are also exploring:
Partnering with a women’s rock climbing group to support a multi-day climbing trip.
Teaching underserved kids to swim.
Several skateboarding programs in at-risk neighborhoods.
And more.
Of course, we can’t do all this without your help.
Will you consider making a year end donation to Keaton’s Kids?
Thank you so much!
PS We just happen to think he’s adorable, so here’s Keaton (in a video he made for his alma mater) to ask for your donation—-